Drone footage of 14Nov2016 New Zealand Quake

Image: GNS Science

Although a 6.0 quake struck today just off the North Island of New Zealand, the big news continues to be the 7.8 quake that struck the South Island on November 14. Geoscience research company GNS Science released dramatic drone video of the approximately 30 km long rip in the Earth’s surface caused by last week’s quake. See the videos and related article at RT.com.

About the Author
Michael Braasch is the Thomas Professor of Electrical Engineering at Ohio University (OU), a Principal Investigator with the Avionics Engineering Center (also at OU) and is the co-founder of GPSoft LLC (a software company specializing in navigation-related toolboxes for MATLAB). He has been conducting aircraft navigation research for 30 years and is an internationally recognized expert in GPS and inertial navigation.